fip | title | author | discussion-to | status | type | category | created |
xxxx | Introducing SealerID | kuba, irene, … | Draft | Technical | Core |
Simple Summary
Add the notion of SealerID and use if for the sealing process for NI-PoRep. In particular:
- We add a new actor, the Sealer Actor so that for SealerIDs can be registered;
- SealerID can be used in the method
to seal sectors.
Abstract \\todo
a short (~200 word) description of the technical issue being addressed.
We consider the scenario where Storage Poviders want to delegate some of their activities to external parties in order to let a competition of service providers optimize and lower the costs.
In particular, we call Sealing-as-a-Service (SaaS) Provider an entity that runs all PoRep operations (labelling the graph, column commitments, MT generation, vanilla proofs and SNARKs generation) needed get a replica (or the sectorKey
for CC sector) and onboard the sector that contains it.
The SaaS then transfers the replica (or the key) and the proofs to a SaaS Client. This is an SP that will onboard the sector with the replica R (ie, call a ProveCommit method) and will be responsible of storing R and proving validity of the corresponding sector (ie, running window- and winning-PoSt).
- [solved already] With interactive PoRep the SaaS Provider and Client needs coordination and agreement (therefore trust) about the intermediate interaction with the chain (ie, sending commR on chain) and locking down PCD (PreCommitDeposit). This is resolved by using NI-PoRep (TODO: link to FIP) that requires no chain interaction and no deposit.
- [solved by this FIP] Even with NI-PoRep, some coordination between the SaaS Provider and Client remains. Indeed during the labelling phase the Provider creates
and for this needs to use theminerID
from the SaaS Client who will receive the replica to be stored. If these values are not correctly used then the SNARK proof will not be valid. This means that a Providers need to “wait” for the request (and info) from a client to seal sectors. In other words, this prevents a SaaS Provider to seal sectors in advance using its HW at max capacity (and therefore reducing sealing cost for everyone).
- We add a new type of actor: the Sealer Actor (to be used for SaaS Providers);
- This can be a “disposable” actor, no need of an owner key. If something bad happen, create a new id. This is okay because no tokens are locked for this actor;
- Add the method to create and register
- The list of SealerIDs is disjoint from the MinerID list
- Add a new map
SealerID -> [SectorNumber]
to the chain state (that is, we have a list of used sector numbers for each sealer); - ie, the actor need
facilities. - Modify the method
to accept the sealerID to createReplicaID
. - Add the
field toSectorNIActivactionInfo
- if empty, use the the minerID
- if the sealer id is passed, use it for
(in the place of miner id) - the method updates the right map of used sector numbers;
- [???] Add a boolean variable to
to tell if the sealer id is used or not - [Access control, needed to avoid front-run attacks]
- Store in the Sealer Actor another address: this is an address to a proxy contract that can be used to implement ACL
When an SP onboards a sector (ie, call to method ProveCommitSectorsNIParams
in the Miner Actor), then call to the Sealer Actor. If the ACL is enabled, then call to the ACL contract.

Rationale \\todo
The rationale fleshes out the specification by describing what motivated the design and why particular design decisions were made. It should describe alternate designs that were considered and related work, e.g. how the feature is supported in other languages. The rationale may also provide evidence of consensus within the community, and should discuss important objections or concerns raised during discussion.
Backwards Compatibility
Test Cases
Security Considerations \\wip
- For the storage providers, this FIP does not add any security risks respect to the status quo;
- For the SaaS provider: there could be the risk of sector to be “stolen” and onboarded by a SP without the SaaS explicit consent.
- Is this a real problem??
- If yes, how to solve it? Is ACL enough?
Incentive Considerations
The proposed change (ie, introducing the sealer id to completely decouple computation-heavy task for onboarding sector from the sector ownership) allows SaaS providers to seal sector independently from the current demand and therefore to use their hardware at full capacity.
This incentivises the creation of a market for CC sectors and lower the SP cost for onboarding CC sectors, which can later on be upgraded to useful storage via the SnapDeal protocol (ReplicasUpdate3
Product Considerations
Having SaaS providers and CC-sector markets lower the entry barrier for SPs to join the Filecoin network. Indeed, with this service in place SPs do not need to have the HW to run the PoRep step in house. Note that the HW for running winning- and window-PoSt is still needed.
Copyright Waiver
Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.