Smart Contracts
Jonathan to start the refactoring of the smart contract
- Style
- Let’s use NatSpec comments
- Solidity Style Guide
- Naming
- snake_case vs. camelCase
- Rename DKGManager —> DKG
- Layout
- DKGFactory creates DKGManagers
- DKGFactory creates an ID
- OracleFactory creates BN128EncryptionOracles
- And other types in the future
- Scope of current “sprint” of work
- No Resharing
bytes32 dkgId = keccak256(abi.encode(block.chainid, blockhash(block.number - 1)));
Various IDs in Medusa
- Suite ID ⇒ represents the cryptographic curve, the parameters of encryption + different encryption schemes (todo)
- “Request ID + Cipher ID” request id is just a nonce currently
- “Oracle ID” = oracle contract address (+ chain id + “chain name”)
- “Protocol ID” ⇒ unique amongst all the chains, all networks, for a given reencryption request.
- protocol_id = H(dkgID, request_id, suite_id, oracle_id)
- This is passed in gossip messages
- “DKG network ID”
- bytes32 dkgId = keccak256(abi.encode(block.chainid, smart contract address);
- bytes32 dkgId = keccak256(abi.encode(distributed public key));
- Smart Contract - not a real need
- ID = H(smart contract address + chain id)
- ID = H(URL)
- in oracle contract, “refer to this DKG ID” → contract/http api where dkg has ran
Only keep “pre-dkg”
Demo plan
- Go with structural changes until 7th of October
- Then Jonathan works on
- Demo website deployment (automatic updates from github master)
- Deployment of the nodes via kubernetes
- TODO: ask aws accounts
- Nicolas works on the saving/loading file
- FOllowing is “static” and common for all nodes
- only contains oracle address /maybe dkg/
- Following is per node
- give ethereum key via CLI
- ETHEREUM_KEY=…. testnet node run —oracleAddress 0x… —share share.toml
Example run command with config
testnet node run —config config.toml
dkgID = …
path = /…/key.ethereum
id = …
share = /path/share
id = …
share = /…/
Sismo ZK-badges potential collab with medusa
- Use sismo badges as authorization for Medusa encrypted data