Alex North
Feb 9, 2022 12:34 PM
Data availability for Web3
No more action (or old)
Dankrad Feist - Data Availability Checks (Dec 2019)
- Light clients, data availability checks, application to ETH2
- An ETH2 node is a full node on its own shard, and light client on all others
Mustafa Al-Bassam - What is Data Availability (Dec 2020)
- “how can nodes be sure that when a new block is produced, all of the data in that block was actually published to the network”
Al-Bassam, Sonnino, Buterin - Fraud and Data Availability Proofs (Sep 2018)
- Maximising Light Client Security and Scaling Blockchains with Dishonest Majorities
Mustafa Al-Bassam - LazyLedger: A Distributed Data Availability Ledger
- “A blockchain is optimised for solely ordering and guaranteeing the availability of transaction data”
- “A result [...] is that one can fully achieve consensus on new messages without downloading the entire set of messages”
- “design a storage- and communication-efficient protocol using linear erasure-correcting codes and homomorphic vector commitments”