- Intro
- Definitions
- Milestones: On-chain storage and On-chain computation scheduler
- Let’s design together on-chain storage
- What lives into IPFS and what lives into Filecoin?
This document presents a new Filecoin offer in the storage services offered: On-chain storage.
Storage services offered by Filecoin:
- Filecoin Storage Market (current product)
- Can store files, stream of bytes
- Very cheap and with simple guarantees
- No guarantee on retrieval
- No guarantee of perpetuity of storage
- On-chain storage (presented in this doc)
- Can store structured data
- Data is accessible from smart contracts
- Data availability
- Perpetual storage
- Verifiable queries/database
On-chain storage vs On-chain state
- On-chain means smart contract can access data
- State is the equivalent of memory in a CPU and it’s expensive on ETH
- Storage is the same as hard disks, load data as you need and it’s cheap to store (maybe expensive to use)
On-chain storage vs Off-chain storage
- Off-chain storage data can’t be accessed or is cumbersome (NFTs and NFT metadata are stored off-chain, smart contracts can’t access this data)
- On-chain storage data can be accessed via a smart contract (Merkle Airdrops could be considered on-chain storage)
How is on-chain storage accessed?
- Differently from on-chain state that can be accessed in a very simple way, on-chain storage is a bit more complex:
- Single tx via proof (see below)
- Job scheduler (see below)
What’s the difference between Filecoin Storage Market and the On-chain Storage product
- Storage is what we do today, guarantees are meh
- On-chain storage is a higher guarantee storage
Milestones: On-chain storage and On-chain computation scheduler
The idea is to first provide on-chain storage products, then to focus all on better computation over on-chain data.
This is a list of features and projects that we must work on to achieve these goals.
Step 1: On-chain storage as a product (STORAGE PRODUCTS)
- Accessibility through smart contract
- Project: Job scheduler
- Project: On-chain verifier (software for generating proofs & so on)
- Data Availability
- Project: Actual Data Avail protocol
- Project: Retrieval Mining(?)
- Retrieval/Proving
- Project: have a simple way to retrieve and prove data that is not “files” (e.g. key value stores)
- Perpetual storage
- Project: Bounty contract
- Project: Crowdfunding contract
- Project: Repair nodes contracts
- Project: Pack it all up into a Perpetual storage contract
- Verifiability
- Project: Better Vector commitments (ops happen on chain)
- Project: Better Key value store (ops happen on chain)
- Project: Better generic verifiable delegated DB queries (ops happen off chain, delegated)
- Project: Add these data structures to IPLD (make Provable IPLD)
Step 2: Computation on filecoin data (COMPUTATIONAL PRODUCTS)
- This project is about scaling computation, not scaling storage
- Job scheduling
- Project: incentivize nodes to run job scheduler for all computation
- Different computational models
- Verifiable delegate DB
- Optimistic DB (arbitrum style)
- Encrypted computation with ZAMA (FHE)
Let’s design together on-chain storage
This part of the document is educational, it shows why it’s important to have on-chain storage.
- NFTs have large metadata
- NFTs have a pointer to a “Filecoin Storage Contract”
- The Storage contract has read functions that can be used by other smart contracts
- Pays for perpetual storage
- Guarantees data availability
- There are some NFTs
- NFTs have metadata (e.g. Apes wear fur, Nouns wear glasses)
- Metadata could be stored on-chain or in a json
- We want a smart contract that emits an event saying “You are in” if the Apes wear fur (or if the noun wears blue glasses)
On-chain State: Accessing Nouns features
- Nouns Storage:
- Nouns images are stored on chain (the actual data, no IPFS link)
- Nouns features are stored on-chain in a descriptor smart contract
- https://etherscan.io/address/0x9c8ff314c9bc7f6e59a9d9225fb22946427edc03#readContract
→ On-chain state, features can be accessed via smart contracts in Ethereum
// On-chain State (Noun)
// Check via on-chain smart contract
checkGlasses(nounId) {
return descriptContract.glasses(nounId)
ClaimInvite(nounId) {
if (checkGlasses(nounId) {
Emit("You are in")
Off-chain Storage: Accessing BoredApeYachtClub features
- BAYC Storage:
- The BAYC smart contract has a field called tokenURI
- The tokenURI points to an IPFS hash
- This has points to a JSON file that has the features of the Ape
- One of the fields is the image of the NFT
→ Storage: Off-chain storage, features of the apes can’t be accessed
// Off-chain Storage (BoredApe)
// We can't access this data since it's offchain as a JSON on an IPFS hash
Since we can’t access the data, we must get clever and find a way to show to the chain that we can access this data.
Single TX Attempt 1: for on-chain storage using straight IPFS
- What if we want to read the Fur from IPFS file?
- Pro: we can read the fur data
- Cons: passing a file in an Ethereum tx is VERY expensive
- Cons: parsing the fur data from the JSON is also very expensive
// On-chain storage of files (BoredApe using IPFS hash)
// Check via IPFS hash (full hashing and then parsing of the file)
checkFur(apeId, file) {
bayc.tokenURI === hash(file)
object = JSON.parse(file)
return object.attributes[5].value == 'fur'
claimThankYouWithFile(apeId, file) {
if (checkFur(apeId, file) {
Emit("You are in")
Single TX Attempt 2: on-chain storage using a better Key Value Store Commitment scheme
- URI reference is not an IPFS hash but a Key Value Store Commitment
- We do this because we can have a smaller proof (smaller than the entire IPFS file) and because we won’t need to parse the data from the JSON (since we are getting straight the value that we want)
// On-chain storage of data
// Check via KV store (delegate data)
checkFur(apeId, proof) {
verifyKV(bayc.tokenKVCommitment, proof)
proof.value === "fur"
claimThankYouWithProof(apeId, proof) {
if (checkFur(apeId, file) {
Emit(”Thank you”)
Single TX Attempt 3: on-chain storage using a SNARK-based DB
- The idea is that we delegate the smart contract checks (the query that checks if the ape has fur or not) to a SNARK circuit/Verifiable database
// On-chain storage of queriable data
// Check via SnarkDB (delegate data and delegate the check (as delegating a query))
claimThankYouWithProof(apeId, proof) {
SnarkDBVerifier(FurCircuit, proof)
Multiple TX Attempt 4: on-chain storage using a Job Schedule + any of the above solution
- User adds to the scheduler some data that they need to show to a smart contract
- Someone executes the pending jobs and for each job calls the callback
ThankYou {
claimThankyouWithScheduler(apeId) {
scheduler.Add({apeId, 'look for fur', callback})
callback(task) {
Emit(”Thank you”)
Scheduler {
Add(taskObj) {
ExecuteTasks(proof) {
verify proof
for each task in TaskList: task.callback(task)
What lives into IPFS and what lives into Filecoin?
IPFS <> HTTP <> Email <> Protocol
- Content-addressable network
- Peer-discovery network
- Content delivery network
- Filesystem: files are chunked in a specific way, folder structuring (if it’s IPLD if it’s just data)
- (Altruistic)
Filecoin <> AWS <> Gmail <> CryptoNetwork
- Publicly available database and service
- Network of “trusted” users that we can delegate storage services to
- Storage Products
- Filecoin File System
- Structured data storage (future)
- Storage derivatives market (future)
- On-chain storage (future)
- Accessible from smart contracts
- Verifiable queries/database
- Data availability
- Perpetual storage
- Computational Tasks scheduler
- Schedule a computational task using this data
So where at what level should we do the on-chain storage stuff?
- The better authenticated data structures (DB, KV store) should be just an extension over IPLD (e.g. a new project around IPLD data (VeryDB))
- However, the actual service for storage should be offered on-chain
Does it have to be Filecoin?
- Yeah because the miners already have data, having everything integrated would be nice
- However if we wanted to we could bootstrap a new network called DBCoin (or a smart contract on top of Filecoin or Ethereum)