May 8, 2022 11:18 PM
FVM Capabilities & Standards
Graduated from Notebook
Ethereum core and application developers have learnt some things they wish they had done differently. New chains have a chance to do these better form the start. Filecoin can also enjoy many of these wins if implemented for the FVM prior to user-programmable contracts.
- Stable addresses to which contracts can be deployed. This is the EVM CREATE2 opcode. Enables users to provision an address to receive funds, confident that a contract can be deployed there later.
- Account abstraction/wallets to unify externally-owned-accounts and contracts. Support deployment of code to EOA’s. Decouple account/owner from signer/authority, configurable transaction signing, security features, social recovery. Verify off-chain sigs. Multicalls. See Argent/Starknet. @Alex North is in contact with Julien Niset at Argent for guidance.
- Token standards that notify receiving account, upgradeable endpoints. Safer and cheaper tokens. See also Universal Profiles.