Feb 9, 2022 12:34 PM
Still Valid
List of (some of the) problems we have with the current PoRep used in Filecoin (SDR):
Problem: We don't have fast retrieval
- Possible solutions: see here
Problem: We don't have general data updates (aka: how to repeat the SnapDeal protocol for the same sector more than just once?)
- Solutions: none so far, we propose an FastR&D effort (~2 weeks) in Q12022 in order to evaluate if there are ideas for possible solutions/FIPs
- We know how to do it, we just haven’t implemented it due to system constraints (actors).
Problem: current PoRep does not allow params upgradability. Sector max lifetime can not be incrementally extended without a complete resealing.
- Solutions: none so far, we propose an FastR&D effort ~2 weeks) in Q12022 in order to evaluate if there are ideas for possible solutions/FIPs