Feb 2, 2023 2:30 PM
Entities in the Filecoin Network
- Storage Providers
- Data Preparers (Estuary, Web3.Storage, etc..)
- Sealers (Sealing-as-Service: $48/TiB, Filmine $<10/TiB, PiKPiK $20/TiB)
- Retrieval nodes (Filecoin Saturn, Filecoin Station, Retriev, ???)
- Storage brokers (Combine storage products)
- Lenders
- LSD for Filecoin (Filmine)
- Staking pools (Glif)
- Clients
What FVM enables?
Mining Services
- Seal-as-a-Service
- Lending
- Pools
Data organizations
- Data Archival DAOs
Storage offer
- Improve existing offers
- Finding data
- Data Preparers
- Finding good providers
- Reputation systems
- New offer
- Storage products
- Storage deals
- Storage Bounties
- Crowd funded deals
- Capacity deals
- Perpetual storage (Lighthouse)
- Archival
- Retrieval
- Retriev (2-hour retrieval)
- Saturn (CDN)
- Station (edge-CDN)
- Better storage payments (Superfluid)
- Filecoin Trustless bridges
- Filecoin Oracle
Compute over Data
- Verifiable Databases
- Key value store
- Arbritrary computation networks
Talk to ZX