Feb 21, 2023 4:30 PM
Goal: reduce complexity of deal making
- Replace storage of CAR in sector and in fetching with flat bytes
- Pros:
- Format agnostic
- Client can use any inner format
- Fetch can be a simple HTTP range request augmented with range proofs
- Cons:
- Not IPFS native
- PayloadCID = PieceCID
- PayloadCID: root IPFS DAG
- f(PayloadCID, the web) ⇒ flat bytes (CAR)
- Comm(flat bytes CAR) ⇒ PieceCID
Sealing process crated labels for: i \in [0, 2^30] we have ha lookup_label(i) ⇒ label
We need to randomly challenge the DAG and assign it one of the labels.
Blake2 has no tree structure, it has only sequential verifiability.
Balek3 has MT structure with 1KiB leafs and allows for random verifiability.