- Updates
- Why
- How
- Latest Design:
- Milestones
- Q1’22
- Next Steps Orientations & Problems:
- Q2’22
- Notes
- Optimizations
- Potential endgame systems:
- BLS on BLS12-377 + BW6
- Nova/Halo2 using secp/secq bitcoin curves
- Regular DKG onchain + threshold ECDSA,
- Notes
- 28/02/2022 w/ Porcu
- 08/02/2022 w/ Nicola
- Presentation done https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gjwdzruJCgIgJM9qSrYBCnj39BuxoGje/view
- Next step are to
- Polish code and write blog post
- decide what to do with this, where to go, what is the end goal
- Public inputs problems now resolved
- Commitment of the inputs and verified inside the SNARK
- Lots of problem with the encoding
- Presentation to be done on the 4th
- DKG in SNARK PoC passing !
- Planning on doing presentation and quick benchmark for next week
- Future work may be looking at threshold ECDSA -
- Can it be used for randomness beacon ?
- Feldman commitment done, ECIES with Poseidon encryption implemented
- Two potential paths for the polynomial evaluation
- Either do NonNativeField computations directly in the same circuit
- Either do a separate Groth16 directly on BLS12377 that computes the polynomials evaluation, public inputs would be the coefficients and all evaluations. Then verify the Groth16 inside the higher level proof.
- Benchmark small solutions on the two approaches and decide which one will be best
Being able to do a DKG inside a SNARK would bring us a lot closer to the Holy Grail DKG target as this provide both
- Public Verifiability via the SNARK guarantees
- Aggregatibility via SnarkPack or other
In details:
In essence a DKG consists of the following:
- Create a secret polynomial where is the threshold
- Create the public polynomial where is a generator of the group
- Create encrypted shares where is the number of participants and is the public key of the -th participant
- Prove that the encrypted shares are correctly constructed from
The last step is the problematic one as there is no verifiable encryption scheme that fits our needs here.
We describe here first the "naive" way and then a more optimized way that trade-offs some
Computing the shares and encryption inside the SNARK: Basically doing all the steps inside a SNARK.
Latest Design:
- Overall SNARK on BW6 that proves:
- The Feldman commitment is correctly computed
- The encryption shares are correctly computed
- Verification of second below proof is correct
- SNARK proof over bls12-377 that proves
- The correct evaluation of the polynomial, i.e. correct computation of all the shares
The whole design is detailled in these slides.
- Sharing ideas with Collaborators (redacted)
- output is that the basic design was aligned with what XXX had in mind if he were to do it now
- Description & implementation of MVP
- Benchmark of the MVP
- TODO: Blog post, what have I learned etc
Next Steps Orientations & Problems:
- Continue on same Groth16 path with optimizations:
- Better arithmetic constraints for encryption of the shares
- Less hashing of points (only X and not X Y Z in Poseidon)
- Better evaluation verification for share evaluation
- How to not be linear in public inputs (public keys, encryption shares etc):
- Regardless of proof system, that is gonna be a bottleneck
- Can we use rollup style ? proof that uses all the public inputs and makes a proof that it corresponds to commitment inputs to each proofs. Problem is how to trust he used correct ones, and if he shares the data ?
- Look out for recursive snark systems:
- Big potential of not being limited by CRS like Groth16
- Big downside of being limited to pairing based
- Look out for Plonkish snark systems:
- Big potential of getting larger number of participants (< recursive though)
- Keeps the pairing curves
- Cons: Very early implementations, gadgets are not necessarily ready
- Use MVP proof and design & implement MVP protocol
We have
So to verify a SNARK over inside a circuit of the higher level proof we have:
- High level proof over , constraints are written in
- Sub level proof over , constraints are written in
- Getting the same randomness r for each encryption
- Getting the public inputs as commitment inside of a hash
- Do IPP instead of evaluation because we can BATCH IPP evaluation
- OR For evaluation, special formulas for doing batch scalar multiplication, pippenger style a1G + a2G2 + ...
- Pack the Fr into Fq for hashing and still performs Fq addition → since r << q it’s fine for one addition
- Actually hash the public key insides !
Potential endgame systems:
BLS on BLS12-377 + BW6
That gets us
- BLS signature scheme is pretty efficient and known
- a and b : we can do identity based encryption or things like “witness decryption”
- We can do it now !
- curves not well supported, relatively expensive
Nova/Halo2 using secp/secq bitcoin curves
That gets us:
- Threshold ECDSA
- El Gamal only
- Compatible with Eth
- Compatible with signing
- Potentially really scalable because of recursive SNARK structure
- Lot of engineer work to make it work with bitcoin curves - by default it’s using pasta curves
- Decryption less efficient: one decryption per ciphertext
Regular DKG onchain + threshold ECDSA,
That gets us similar to previous.
- We can do it now, very easy
- Not so scalable & interactive (every message has to be posted on the bulletin board, multiple rounds needed)
- Decryption less efficient: one decryption per ciphertext
28/02/2022 w/ Porcu
Nova: where it is, where to go, recursion, GPU ? ASM?
Bitcoin curve ?
- Split accumulator step implemented but recursion is in stage, done this week hopefully
- Final SNARK implemented, better than Spartan
- different circuits (coprocessors) → it’s in the plan
- we can do now for circuit size of m+n
- in the plan to make it two different circuits, but recursive step will be more expensive
- Binary Merkle IVC to parallel operations
08/02/2022 w/ Nicola
We would like the ideal system to be:
- Compatible with popular signature scheme
- Compatible with simple to use enc/dec scheme
- El Gamal
- Identity based encryption / “threshold witness decryption”
- Compatible with Eth (now or later)
- Compatible with transaction signing on major blockchains (like ecdsa with secp)
- This enables the network to sign regular transactions for themselves -
- is it really useful ? Would need network to have funds, and that makes things more complex...
- What’s the main endgoal here
- Seems like general threhsold network may be the endgoal
- Ethereum compatibility ?
- BLS12-377 + BW6 not supported
- We need either BN254 / BLS12-381, seckp curves (or maybe pasta curves)
- Requirements:
- Comp. with popular sig scheme
- Comp. simple to use/prove threshold enc/dec scheme
- Comp. with MPC based “setting”
- Compatibility with Eth.
- Signature scheme compatible with “transaction signing”