Feb 28, 2022 2:59 PM
Current Project Delivery status is:
🟢 Green - We are on the right path to deliver the Project
- Risk factors that need to be included: - that can potentially change our green status:
- External audit with JP Aumasson results in some high risk issues that we need to resolve.
Expected ship date: 2022-02-20
Status explained:
- We successfully passed the Theory and Implementation audit - @November 26, 2021
- We will focus on the external circuits audit during the following week, in order to get 1 more check for the implementation, before we start the trusted setup process on the @December 9, 2021
How do we keep the 🟢 Green status - We approve all the review items in both:
- We pass all the checks for the External audit with JP and his team- @December 8, 2021 is the final date for the audit
- We start Internal (PL) Trusted setup in December - @December 9, 2021
Notice: Statuses above are based on the following definition/rule
Delivery timeline snapshot:
- Get a full overview of the timeline by visiting this page: SnapDeals Timeline
Important delivery dates for this and the following week:
- @December 1, 2021 - Define and approve the scope of work for External audit for SnapDeals circuit implementation
- @December 8, 2021 - Get final approval + comments from JP Aummason as a result of the external audit for the implementation of the circuit
- @December 9, 2021 - Final preparations + start running the internal trusted setup that will last until @December 20, 2021
Current development tasks - In Progress items:
- Changes + redesign of sector-storage that are needed to support SnapDeal
- Circuits audit for SnapDeals implementation -
- FSM changes that we need to make for Snapdeals implementation -
- Actors Testing -
- Lotus Testing -
Recent wins/accomplishments:
- Theory audit - we successfully approved the theory audit for this implementation - @November 26, 2021
- Internal Implementation audit - we successfully reviewed and checked all the marks for our internal audit - @November 26, 2021
- We created and shared scope of work with JP Aumasson for external audit that will take place in the next 7 days - @December 1, 2021
"Read more" and useful links:
- - SnapDeal development board
- SnapDeals Index page with relevant links - index page with all the major links connected to this project