🧐 Problem
At the moment, Filecoin Network does not collect retrieval metrics, nor has a scanning tool in place for doing so.
Both CryptoNet and Deep's team are interested in such a scanning tool for gathering retrievability metrics, even if for slightly different purposes.
In particular:
- CryptoNet started Storage Metrics DAOin order to have onchain reliable metrics for the Filecoin network in a decentralized way. This project got paused for multiple reasons, that can be found in the doc. One of the main blockers for that project to move forward was the absence of a scanning tool for the Filecoin network at large.
- Deep's team already collects some samples of retrievability metrics and aims to build a scanning tool for the Slingshot SPs, and to build a reputation mechanism which is based on those metrics, stored in a centralized database.
📢 Project Proposal
While having a scanning tool for Slingshot only is not the final goal for CryptoNet team, especially in the context of Storage Metrics DAO, it represents a first step forward towards having a network scanning tool in place.
On the other hand, Deep's team is not interested in having decentralized metrics onchain, not building such a scanning tool at scale for the entire Filecoin Network, but recognizes the importance of the Storage Metrics DAO project and its approach.
We propose to start a joint project with these two teams for building a scanning tool for Slinghshot. We also propose this tool to be open source and usable for possible next steps of the Storage Metrics DAO project (which could be, for instance, building a small version of Storage DAO for slingshot or building a broader scanning tool, or both).
⏱️ Planning
👷 Team
We propose CryptoNet and Deep's team to collaborate on this project as follows:
- CryptoNet will work as a Research Advisor
- Helping out with the design of the scanning tool and its formal description
- Contributing to technical docs, if needed
- Addressing the research questions that Deep's team will face in the design phase
- Deep's team will be in charge for
- PM (Deep?)
- DRI technical docs writeup
- Implementation (open source, shareable with CryptoNet and partners)
- Advising CryptoNet&partners after this project is finalized, in case CryptoNet will use the Slingshot scanning tool asa building block for
- A wider scanning tool for the Filecoin network
- Building a Storage Metric DAO MVP on Slingshot
- …
People involved: Luca, Irene
People involved: Deep, …
⏳ Timeline
Useful Docs