Filecoin Protocol Sessions
CryptoNet is organizing a full day of presentations, hacking and whiteboarding sessions to brainstorm about the Filecoin protocol and the ways to improve it!
Everyone is welcome to join and brainstorm on Filecoin protocol together!
Friday, October 28th 2022, from 10am to 6pm
10:00 am - 12:00 pm: Morning Session
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: Lunch
1.30 pm - 3.15 pm: Early Afternoon Session 3.15 pm - 3.30 pm: Break
3.30 pm - 5:00 pm: Late Afternoon Session
Morning: Protocols (10:00 - 12:00)
[Round Table, CANCELED] Whiteboard: Subdeals Technology
[Round Table, CANCELED] Whiteboard: Subdeals Technology
[Round Table] Small miners issues
Angelo Schalley
[Round Table] Small miners issues
[Round Table] Design sessions for Filecoin-specific bridging, provable state
Alex North
[Round Table] Design sessions for Filecoin-specific bridging, provable state
[Round Table] Design session for Filecoin as data persistence layer for (a) Filecoin, (b) other chains
Alex North
[Round Table] Design session for Filecoin as data persistence layer for (a) Filecoin, (b) other chains
[Round Table, tentative] Data DAOs
[Round Table, tentative] Data DAOs
[Presentation + Round Table] Medusa: Data Privacy onchain
[Presentation + Round Table] Medusa: Data Privacy onchain
Deleted User[CANCELED] Non-Interactive PoRep: Merging PreCommit and ProveCommit
[CANCELED] Non-Interactive PoRep: Merging PreCommit and ProveCommit
Early Afternoon: Research
[Presentation + Round Table] Testudo
Mara Mihali
[Presentation + Round Table] Testudo
[Round Table] Queries and Computation on on-chain Data
[Round Table] Queries and Computation on on-chain Data
[Round Table] Proof of Data Retrieval on Filecoin
[Round Table] Proof of Data Retrieval on Filecoin
Late Afternoon: Future
[Demo] Onchain.Storage: Demo and Opportunities
Sebastiano Cataudo
[Demo] Onchain.Storage: Demo and Opportunities
[Round Table] Storage DAOs: How can we unlock them?
[Round Table] Storage DAOs: How can we unlock them?
[Round Table] Data Sovereignty on Filecoin
[Round Table] Data Sovereignty on Filecoin
Drand changes and Filecoin
Yolan Romailler
Drand changes and Filecoin
[Round Table] Face-time with consensus lab to discuss their proposals, needs from Filecoin L1, etc. Get a head of future FIPs they might propose.
Alex North
[Round Table] Face-time with consensus lab to discuss their proposals, needs from Filecoin L1, etc. Get a head of future FIPs they might propose.
[Round Table] Design session for an application-specific L2 storage market
Alex North
[Round Table] Design session for an application-specific L2 storage market
[Round Table] CryptoNet AMA: Cryptographic primitives
[Round Table] CryptoNet AMA: Cryptographic primitives
[Round Table] CryptoNet AMA: Filecoin Protocol
Alex North
[Round Table] CryptoNet AMA: Filecoin Protocol